It is a chemical reaction that can involve several different or identical molecules to create a macro-molecule. A door gives access to the site: polystyrene packaging is completely covering the inside.The idea is to create a matrix from the polystyren packaging with all open connotations. Just open the door and come into a room whose walls are entirely covered with polystyrene packaging. The place creates a link with the material:
Hearing : soundproof material, no reverberation. Sight : aesthetic quality of the material, organised space. Touch : prassable floor, you can walk on the packaging. General perception : gap for the atmosphere and the temperature between the inside and the outside
The turbo wave of the 80’s left its mark on the industry and on the whole cultural situation in Western Europe. It became a model of behavior, since having a « turbo » in your own car was giving you this feeling of superiority among other common cars. It was meaning you were more powerful than them. The sound effect gives the sensation of a real physical power. To advance, the people from Eastern Europe put some more «tuning, customizing» everywhere – for example in their folk music.
The installation « Turbo » is actually dealing with this testosterone competition, and is putting in jeopardy this representation of the masculine power.